Why the layout of this blog is shite.

This blog links to my website: http://www.mikeys.org.uk You can view it there, and it looks so much better.

Monday 28 April 2008

Trying out HDR

Seeing as the weather is crap and I seem to be working constant nights, at the moment. I haven't been able to get out and take as many photo's as I would like.
I've always liked the look of HDR photographs and have done some in the past, by just fiddling about with Adobe Lightroom. But I've never really took the time to learn the techniques and do it properly.

So ...Yesterday I downloaded the latest version of Photomatix and set about learning how to use it.
First port of call was Pete Carr's website, for a refresher. He is the master of HDR photography, after all.
Hang on? The last time I read his tutorial, it seemed like a really complicated process. But, reading it again, I found it was a really simple technique. Your computer does all the complicated stuff. All you have to do is the arty stuff.
You can make a HDR image from one exposure (preferably a RAW file as it contains a lot more data than a JPG) but to get the, High Dynamic Range, to give it it's full name, you need to start with at least 3 exposures or more.


The Boat shot above is a single exposure and heavily "tweaked" in Lightroom. I wanted to take some multi-exposures and do it properly in Photomatix. But it was pissing down and I didn't want to get my new Canon 40D wet :( .
Well the rain stopped... eventually! It was about 8pm on Sunday night, and I drove around a bit looking for suitable subjects. First stop was Burtonwood Airfield. I parked up and left the van. The sky was clearing and the sun was just going down. I set my camera to bracket three shots.
The first was 2 stops under exposed,
The second was correct and
The third was 2 stops over exposed.
I turned and snapped the van. . .That was it really.
I drove about a bit and ended up at Runcorn to photograph the bridge. I waited and waited and the lights on the bridge never came on.

Luckily for me, there was somebody there with the same idea. We had a little chat about photography, but by 10 pm the lights had still not come on. So i went to MacDonalds, for a Big Mac and went home.
I had a little twiddle with Photomatix when I got in. But seeing as I had crap photo's to begin with I wasn't expecting anything. I was surprised at the results.
Well Photomatix certainly works. Even if this Photographer(?) doesen't. I know I've got a lot more to learn and I need to take some time off work and do some proper photography. When I do, I know I'll start using HDR for everything :) .
Next things on the shopping list are a decent tripod and head and a cable release with timer and multi exposure capabilities.

Links:- Photomatix - Lightroom - Vanilla Days

Friday 25 April 2008

Huey Pro

I found a new Mac Reseller in Warrington today. Apogaeum is a nice little shop, you'd swear you were in a proper Apple Store. So no more driving to The Trafford Centre for my little Apple fix. I can just take a stroll into town instead. While i was there I noticed they stocked the Pantone Huey and Huey Pro colour correction devices. What these little gadgets do, is correct your computer monitor's colour profile. Basically they make your monitor show colours as they should be. I had a bit of spare cash burning a hole in my pocket and i left the store with a Huey Pro.
I usually calibrate my Mac by eye, using the display adjustment tools, in System Preferences. And I thought I was doing a good job, until i let Huey do his stuff. You can switch between your previous profile and your new Huey profile with the click of a mouse button. Scary stuff, my profile was way off. Far too blue. The upshot is, if you do a lot of photo editing and you want your prints to look like they do, on your monitor. You're going to have to make sure your monitor is calibrated.
The best feature is the built in ambient light sensor. Huey is constantly monitoring the room's ambient light and adjusting the monitor to compensate for any changes, on the fly. So, if the sun comes out and the room lights up, your monitor will adjust itself accordingly. Very cool indeed.
Looking through some photos, that I thought had been taken with the wrong white balance. I was surprised to see, that they looked pleasingly perfect.

10/10 for Huey. :)

Links:- Apogaeum - Huey Pro

Monday 21 April 2008

Joanne Roberts Photography

I've just been building a new website for my mate Jo. She's a photographer who specialises in portraits and casting shots. She works almost exclusively in Black & White and her work is really good. So if you need a portrait or casting shot. You know where to go.

link: - Joanne Roberts Photography

Sunday 13 April 2008

New BBC Homepage

LINK:- BBC Homepage

I've just visited the new BBC website. I don't know how long this new version has been online but it is very cool.
You can fully customise it. You can move all the categories about and lay it out, so it's convenient for you.
I don't watch telly that much. But when I do it's usually via BBC iPlayer. You can watch lots of BBC shows from the past week or so on your monitor, instantly. The days of broadcast TV are numbered.
As well as links to BBC iPlayer (tv) there's a link to BBC iPlayer radio so you can listen to BBC radio while you browse the web.
You can input your post code and it will adjust its self to display content that is relevant to your locality, local radio, weather and local news.
I've just changed my homepage to bbc.co.uk :)

Thursday 10 April 2008

Shifts Schmifts

I was asked on Monday, if I would change my shift pattern from 2-10's to 6-6 nights. Effectively that means, change from a 40 hour to a 60 hour week. I'm sorry I agreed to do it cos i'm absolutely knackered. I was stuck on the M62 this morning for about an hour, and by the time i got home i was wide awake. So I haven't slept much. I've got to leave at 5 because the traffic will be terrible again. On Monday it took me an hour and a half to travel the 14 1/
miles to work. a journey of 20 minutes or so, on a normal day. The same thing happened on the way home today. So my 12hour shift could end up being 15 hours, leaving me 9 hours at home. eight of those are spent in bed. the other hour is for everything else. eating, washing, blogging. . . Oh and I'll lose most of Saturday because my body will decide to try and catch up on the lack of sleep and I'll be in bed till about 7pm. Then I'll have to try and adjust my body clock, so It gets into 6-2 shift mode, for Monday. this means a totally sleepless night on Sunday. Dragging myself out of bed on Monday morning, as late as possible. An 8 hour day in work, like a zombie. Then when/if I get home on Monday afternoon. I usually fall asleep in an armchair and wake up about 9 at night, just in time for another sleepless night.

Although the money is great. I think I have aged about 10 years in the past 5. And the sad thing is, I'm not seeing any of the cash as it's all allocated to various loan companies and mortgage vendors. . . Ah well, If I survive another 5 years of this, I'll be debt free and be able to leave my job and live on the wages of a paper round, I'm that used to living on ten quid a week. . .

Anyway gotta get ready for work . . . . See Ya!

Friday 4 April 2008

Google Maps - Google Earth

Links:- Google Earth | Google Maps

Ten years ago, you wouldn't believe that you could access satellite photos of any part of the world from any computer or mobile phone connected to the internet. But after all it IS the 21st century. And you can.
Here's an aerial view of my house. And that's my mini on the drive.